Curated connections

Cleavr centralizes workflows for effortless server and deployment management.

GitHub code git repositoryConnect to your GitHub account for push to deploy

GitHub Actions

Harness the power and get started with just one click.

No configuration required
Cleavr sets you up to start building your projects on GitHub right away.
NodeJS app ready
AdonisJS, NuxtJS (SSR & Static), Strapi CMS, and NodeJS (SSR & Static).
Save your server's resources
Build your apps on GitHub and keep your server's resources freed-up for users.
Customize your workflow
Build upon the default workflow to include your test scripts and more!
Cleavr integrates with GitHub Actions
DigitalOcean cloud providerConnect Cleavr to your DigitalOcean account
Amazon Web ServicesConnect Cleavr to your AWS account
Hetzner cloud providerConnect Cleavr to your Hetzner account
UpCloud cloud providerConnect Cleavr to your UpCloud account
Linode cloud providerConnect Cleavr to your Linode account
Vultr cloud providerConnect Cleavr to your Vultr account

VPS Providers

The effortless server management console for your favorite cloud provider.

Cleavr integrates with Linode, Amazon web services, DigitalOcean, Vultr, and Hetzner cloud hosting providers
Connect your cloud provider
Plug in your DigitalOcean, AWS, Hetzner, UpCloud, Linode, or Vultr account.
Go custom
Have a different hosting provider? Hook them up!
Provision with ease
Cleavr spins up new servers on your host and images for quick start.
Centralize management
Deployments, log reports, process monitors, backups, and more all without leaving Cleavr.
GitHub code git repositoryConnect to your GitHub account for push to deploy
GitLab code git repository
Bitbucket code git repository

VC Providers

Push-to-deploy with your preferred Git version control provider.

Connect your VC provider
Cleavr grabs your project code from your GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab account.
Commit your code to automatically trigger a deployment.
Cleavr integrates with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket git version control providers
DigitalOcean cloud providerConnect Cleavr to your DigitalOcean account
Amazon Web ServicesConnect Cleavr to your AWS account

Cloud Storage

Backup filesystems and databases to external cloud storage.

Cleavr integrates with Linode, Amazon web services, DigitalOcean, Vultr, and Hetzner cloud hosting providers
Connect your storage provider
Hook up your DO Spaces, AWS S3, Backblaze, or Wasabi accounts.
Backup filesystems
Store your files somewhere safe in case of emergencies.
Backups databases
Automatically back up your databases.
DigitalOcean cloud providerConnect Cleavr to your DigitalOcean account

DNS Providers

Manage your DNS records from directly within Cleavr.

Connect your DNS provider
Sync Cleavr with your Cloudflare and Digital Ocean DNS management accounts.
Add and update DNS records
No need to bounce around websites, add and manage DNS records directly in Cleavr.
Cleavr integrates with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket git version control providers


Keep yourself in the know.

Cleavr integrates with slack to notify you of the latest
Deployment start
Deployment complete (success or with error)
Deployment cancelled
Backup run complete (success or with error)